SEA BUCKTHORN – the amazing #1 superfood for horses!

by | Jan 27, 2022 | Our Blog

The ancient Greeks named the Sea Buckthorn plant Hippophae Rhamnoides, which literally means ‘shiny horse’. A deciduous shrub which grows happily in Europe as well as Asia, the leaves, flowers, seeds and berries of Sea Buckthorn have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries. It is the distinctive orange berries which are particularly beneficial to horses containing the rare Omega 7 fatty acid, found in very few plants, as well as the essential fatty acids omegas 3, 6 and 9. Sea Buckthorn also boasts a very impressive profile of nutrients including polyphenols (which give plants their bright, vibrant colours), vitamins (A, B, C, D, E and K), minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. Sea buckthorn also appears to have a positive effect on the overall health of the horse, including improving the strength of their immune system, reducing stress levels, and increasing their appetite. It is the strong and unique concentration of natural vitamins and anti-oxidants which is thought to be responsible for the health-promoting benefits of Sea buckthorn in horses. Recent research suggests a benefit to feeding Sea buckthorn to horses with glandular gastric ulcers. Horses are particularly susceptible to developing gastric ulcers, or Equine Gastric Syndrome (EGS) at some point in their lives. This is particularly true of race horses and competition horses. These ulcers are typically treated with a medicine which changes the pH of the stomach, which is contrary to the natural gut environment. As such, a natural alternative to this treatment would be highly desirable. Scientists have found that administering Sea Buckthorn supports digestive health, particularly in the case of glandular ulcers. This is likely to be due to the vitamin C and E, carotenoids, flavonoids and fatty acids present in the Sea buckthorn.
An excellent ingredient for horses with problematic guts, who suffer from poor nutrient absorption, have low or compromised immunity, exhibit signs of stress, have allergies/irritations and who lack vitality.
Sea Buckthorn is a key ingredient in Aloemega and Ulsa-Soothe.

Aloemega horse tonic is a mineral and omega rich superfood tonic packed full of super berry goodness! This Aloe Vera and Sea Buckthorn supplement supports optimum skin, coat, joint, and gastrointestinal health of your horse.

Aloemega offers all round support to the digestive and immune system, By soothing and nourishing the fine mucosal membranes lining the stomach and digestive tract, Aloemega helps your horse feel more comfortable from the inside. With potent Omega-rich properties, Aloemega also helps promote skin and coat condition so your horse will look ‘well’ on the outside too.

Aloemega has multiple active ingredients, including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes, to promote good all round health and essential for maintaining a healthy metabolism. While Aloemega won’t make your horse fly, bursting with vitamins and antioxidants it will help him feel good!

Amino acids aid growth and brain function, enzymes aid in the break down of proteins to help speed up the metabolism and turn food into fuel. The astonishing variety of free-radical fighting compounds can help deal with stress-induced physiologic changes and increased free-radical damage associated with painful gastric conditions in horses. Aloemega supports optimum skin, coat, joint, and gastrointestinal health.

Both the 1 litre bottle and 5 litre jerry can are made from 100% recycled plastic and are recylable.

All Pro-Equine products comply with FEI and HRA regulations.

Ingredients:Aloe Vera, Sea Buckthorn

Ulsa-Soothe is a gastric health supplement made up of 7 carefully selected ingredients to help support your horse’s gastric and digestive health. It provides a light and soothing layer to the stomach, lubricates the digestive tract and, importantly, does not inhibit natural acid production which is important for healthy digestion in a horse. This anti-oxidant and omega rich formula also includes ingredients to help reduce adrenal fatigue and stress-related issues. Ulsa-Soothe reduces uncomfortable gassy build ups, common during stress, and improves appetite and digestion.

Ulsa-Soothe suits horses frequently stabled, subject to routine changes and/or to stress. Ulsa-Soothe is also aimed at horses that need re-establishment of a healthy gut, especially after a course of aggressive drugs. Ulsa-Soothe is suitable for horses showing behavioural issues, such as being spooky, lack of concentration, being girthy or disliking grooming.

The happy harmony of ingredients help improve overall health and performance. Ulsa-Soothe can be fed long-term to horses at a maintenance level.

Owners report changes in their horse in a matter of days of giving Ulsa-Soothe. We recommend giving 25ml of Ulsa-Soothe with feed twice daily initially and then reducing this to 15ml twice daily. Some owners find that 15ml just once a day is enough to have a positive effect – it’s a case of “horses for courses”!!

All Pro-Equine products comply with FEI and HRA regulations.

Ingredients:Aloe Vera, Liquorice, Slippery Elm, Seabuckthorn, Peppermint, Fennel, Oatseed

Products are available online, Pro-Equine agents and in most UK equestrian retail stores.

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