Equine dust allergy? Coughing horse? Try Airway from Pro Equine

by | Jul 4, 2018 | Our Blog

We received this email from a new customer who has started using Airway on her coughing horse. This is her experience of Airway Supplement .

“I would just like to share a positive experience I have had recently with Pro Equine’s Airway. My horse has a dust allergy and I’ve had him on a well known brand’s supplement for some time but he would still cough occasionally and be snotty. I came across this product by chance when Pro-Equine agent Gemma moved to my yard and gave it a go a few weeks ago as I had run out of his usual supplement. What a difference it has made in such a short space of time! Over the moon with it and his breathing has improved drastically and I haven’t heard him cough once either when riding him or in the stable so I am definitely converted. Thank you!” Helen L

And thank you Helen for sharing your experience of Airway and the awesome results.

If you would like to share your story of using Pro Equine products on your horse please drop us a line at [email protected]

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