As the largest organ, the horse’s skin and coat is designed to protect all other organs and body systems within. The skin is a matrix of multiple layers of cells, containing sweat glands, blood vessels, nerve endings, touch receptors, pores, hair and other structures. The skin has to withstand viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal intrusions, bites, stings, wounds, bruising and chemical applications. Most of these promote uncomfortable, itchy skin, inflammation and hair loss in the horse.
There are three words which should spring to mind when considering the cause of an itchy horse and skin and coat care problems; parasites, allergies and infections. Most ailments resulting in the desire to rub and scratch are due to problems caused by small, wriggling creatures, even smaller irritating organisms, or contact with substances to which the animal is allergic.
Neem-based products to help itchy horses and improve skin and coat health
Mites, lice, ringworm and midges. Mites are microscopic and quite hard to diagnose under the microscope. They occur commonly in heavily feathered horses/ponies. Horses with itchy legs normally stamp their feet, scratch their legs with the opposite limb, or bite at their legs. Scratching and biting can cause secondary bacterial infections which are often mistaken for mud fever. Balding of the mane and tail including around the head and face could be caused by bird mite. Swallows and sparrows nesting in the stable can transmit these mites onto the horse causing itching that may be mistaken for sweet-itch.
As with humans, skin allergies in horses are hugely varied. A common scenario might be finding your horse covered in small bumps but seemingly unbothered by them. No action is taken and, in a few hours, the bumps subside and are soon forgotten – although possibly a new bottle of shampoo is thrown away! It’s not always so simple. In some horses, allergic reactions are a chronic, frustrating and potentially debilitating part of life. They occur when, for reasons that are not fully understood, a horse’s immune system becomes hypersensitized to substances called allergens, which ordinarily do no harm. When this happens, the immune reaction runs out of control. An overabundance of antibodies is produced, which, in turn, stimulate the release of a flood of prostaglandins, histamines and other substances. An allergic reaction in the skin, called atopic dermatitis, usually causes itching (pruritus) and/or re-current hives (urticaria). Other possible signs include patchy hair loss, bumps and crusting.
Pro-Equine’s skin and coat range of topical products uses a range of natural, plant-based ingredients. Aloe vera has long since been recognized to help in the healing process during wound care and to soothe irritated skin. Known as “the plant of immortality” by the Ancient Egyptians, and treasured by numerous subsequent cultures, aloe vera is still known and used for its many health benefits.
Antioxidants are important for skin health. Aloe vera gel contains powerful antioxidants belonging to a large family of substances known as polyphenols. These polyphenols, along with several other compounds in aloe vera, help inhibit the growth of certain bacteria that can cause infections
Researchers have identified a glycoprotein in it that promotes cell growth. When combined with aloe’s gel-like binding quality, an environment conducive to growth and healing is created. The effect is significant acceleration of wound healing and scar reduction. Applied to problem skin areas Aloe vera can help with inflammation and cool itchy distressed skin tissue. Aloe should always be at hand to soothe sunburn mostly found on delicate pink skin of a horse’s nostrils and ears or around the pastern and fetlock areas. Application of Pro-Equine’s Lavender Sunblock can prevent sunburn occurring on sensitive areas and can also protect from other environmental issues such as buttercup burn.
Arnica is derived from a yellow mountain daisy that grows in Europe also known as leopard’s bane. Arnica has traditionally been used to treat bruising. It reputedly increases circulation by stimulating white blood cell activity, thereby decreasing the amount of healing time and reducing inflammation. Aloe and Arnica gel can be used for muscle and tendon trauma and should be applied after an event or injury to promote speedy recovery of damaged capillaries and haematoma dispersion. Often it is difficult to see a bruise on a horse’s body due to the horse’s coat. More frequently, you can detect a bruise by heat radiating from the area and a reaction when you touch it. Bruises found in the hoof sole are easier to notice due to lameness, heat and colouring.
Sarcoids are skin tumours which vary enormously in size and shape on your horse’s body, depending where can dictate how much of a problem they can be. Sarcoids are more prevalent on geldings and are located mostly on the chest, under belly, sheath, groin, around the eyes and nostrils. There are many types of sarcoids including occult, verrucous, nodular, fibroblastic, malevolent. There is no magical cure for sarcoids in horses but Aloe Vera, Manuka and Neem have all been reported to help maintain a healthier environment, to minimise sarcoids and to protect from infection, spreading and fly irritation.
Neem oil contains vitamin E, collagen and many essential amino acids which help restore moisture and elasticity to your horse’s skin and coat. It can therefore be used on dry and sensitive skin and for minor wound care. The collagen properties of neem oil promote healthy, new skin and reduce scar tissue. Neem also encourages healthy hair re-growth, very important for horse owners. Neem oil has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties making it ideal for first aid and minor wound care.
Cold-pressed Neem oil with high Azadirachtin content
For Uses of Neem Oil see FAQ’s